Friday, November 03, 2006

Chattisgarh tops investment chart

If higher industrial production has raised hopes of a sustained GDP growth, its horizontal expansion must have raised the prospect of reduction in regional disparity.

Though the media is enthrall about the IT investment in the country the major investment is taking place in manufacturing sector. The major attractors of IT investment are Karnataka and Tamilnadu. But the recent statistics shows that these states are not in top 5 biggest attractor of investment in their respective states. Surprisingly the new states Chattisgarh and Jharkhand have surpassed Gujrat and Maharastra the so called “Business centre of India” in terms of investment. The investment in these states is due to the large natural resources available in the two states.

Again these are the new states formed in 2001. So such investment in these states will make them economically strong. These states are considered among the least developed states. So it is obvious revenue is less from these states. But the scenario is going to change if such investment continues in these states. If this trend is going to continue then the economic disparity will reduced to drastic level. This is good for our economy. One thing the government needs to do is that to open the new SEZs in these under developed states. So the investment in these states will be continuous and our economy will prosper through out India not limiting to a few states.


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