Sunday, August 27, 2006

China Phobia!

You must be surprised with the title. But what I believe in todays scanario that we, the Indians are suffering from China Phobia. When ever we talk about the development of our country we talk about China. We usually compare ourselve with China and finds our strength and weakness over China. This is not a bad idea. But the bad thing is that we only talk and don't implement the great ideas. We are lacking China in manufacturing sector. But we are far ahead in service sector. We have got global leaders in service sector in our country. We are in a right direction in our long term development process. Many of the indeginious companies are becoming global brands. But I am afraid of the strategy adopted by the Software Giants of our country. Our main advantage over China is our English Speaking human resource with good knowledge of Information Technology. To expand themselves the software Giants are going to China and training the human resource over their to compete with our human resource. My concern is that can we compete with the Chinese human resource which is better to us in terms of hard working, loose labour law, willing to work at low salary and do more quality work. Aren't we producing our competitor who has the ability to throw us out of this market? We in India are already engaged with reservations. This will make the software companies go ahead with their strategy. In this strategy who is ultimately going to affected.
  • The government will earn the revenue in terms of tax.
  • The share holder will get his return through dividends and the secondary market.
  • But the ultimate looser will the employees who are responsible to make these companies to reach to this level.

In my openion the companies instead of going to China expand themselves in India. They can establish more and more training centers in India. They can associate themselves with various Unoversities and Institutions to facilitate the course which will help them to learn those things which are going to help them in their career. What I personally believe is that your work should be reflected through your result and not your mouth. So instead of thinking Indias position in 2020 and 2050 in global market we should work on it. This is my message to all who are concern about Indias development.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Is MBA needed to start a business........

Now a days many people have the feeling that an MBA is necessary for doing business. This may be one of the reason that organisations are looking for MBAs from well reputed institution for top post. This is forcing many young aspirant to do MBA to join the corporate world. When we see MBA gives the knowledge about business but also it reduces the risk taking ability of the individual. I have read somewhere Dhirubhai Ambani had said that if he would have done MBA he would have done all the work five years earlier. But i donot think so. An MBA has less risk taking capacity then an entrepreneur without an MBA. Dhirubhai may have failed miserably after doing MBA. Again in business you can not be always successful. The MBA peson will always look for the opportunity cost. If he feels that he has better opportunity in serving an organisation then he will join the organisation. But the entrepreneur will work consistenetly without any distraction. Here comes the difference. If you are successful when others are equally successful then you are not doing a great job. But if you are only few among the successful person that makes a difference. That difference is your entrepreneurial ability. Here the work of the entrepreneur reflects form the result.These are my personal view. I dont have any concrete example to prove my words but if i get any i will post that in this blog.

Monday, August 14, 2006

What really means Entrepreneurship.........?

I always wonder what actually entrepreneurship means. Is it achieving your goal of starting your own business, earning lots of money, self satisfaction, being independent or somethingelse. To make it clear let us look who is an entrepreneur. He is a person who takes the risk for uncertainties and is consistent in his path and get the result of his risk. The main characteristic of the entrepreneur is his consistency, the confidence in his work. His confidence motivates him to work consistently and he remains focus. The entrepreneur can see the value of his work which others can not realize. I will say entrepreneurship is not definitely earning lots of money. If it is what entrepreneurship then the richest man of the world would never have donated the huge money he has earned throughout his life. I will say that entrepreneurship is making your thought into a realty.